Am I Safe?
“Every time I heard someone say, “I am safe,”
the child in me hid.
When asked what safety meant to me, I replied, “complete trust and vulnerability.” I had the idea of safety in my head, but it couldn’t reach
my body and my heart…”

Lauren A. Jennings teaches, writes and sings in Chattanooga, TN. She received her B.A. in English and Master of Arts in Teaching from Covenant College on Lookout Mountain, GA.
When she’s not in the classroom, you can find her hiking, swimming and giving piggy-back rides to her daughter.
Lauren writes poetry, nonfiction and songs at the intersection of spirituality and mental health. Connect with Lauren on Facebook at Lauren A. Jennings @deephealbipolar and on Instagram, her favorite share space, @laurenalexisjennings.
Here’s where you can read some of Lauren’s work.
Lovestruck Lesions:
“When two paths cross
Words and eyes drop
The Thorn 2010 (p. 10)
Yellow Raincoat:
in the afternoon…”
The Thorn 2010 (p. 15)
“Your bread turned to stones,
The bottle of formula
Like rock in your gut…”
ELLA Library’s Reflections on Generosity and Thanks: A Collection of Poems.
9 Tips If Depression Has You Down This Winter:
“The earth lies dormant in winter, and I want to hibernate, too…”
The Mighty
“As soon as he said it,
I knew what it was…”
Fathom Magazine
“I follow crumbs at
Dusk along the damp
Earth. Will tomorrow’s
The Mudroom
“Love sings out
Where I am shackled.
I would cast down these walls…”
The Fallow House
“I am slowly layering
A tamer tan line…”
The Amethyst Review
“When I look up,
Fog veils the mountain
Outside the cafe
Window, an ethereal
Blanket enfolding trust…”
The Amethyst Review