What if you could feel more supported while improving your mental health?

Inside White Pine Wild, you’ll get what you need for your mental health journey
with community, knowledge, and empathy.
Join us today-doors close September 27th!
You want to improve your mental health.
You need clarity on your best path forward, but don’t know where to turn.
You have too many options for healing when you’re already overwhelmed.
You’re over trying things that don’t treat the whole person or reach the core concern.
You’re tired of feeling confused, defeated and alone.
You wish there was a way to feel supported and encouraged, making big changes one step at a time.
When I talk with others about mental health, they often mention these beliefs…
Belief #1: Self-care is a waste of time. It’s just selfishness, and detox is a fad.
Truth: For this one, I’m indebted to Jenn Hoffman, restorative yoga teacher at HealthyMoving.com. In our society, self-care can be misunderstood and blown out of proportion to mean unnecessary indulgence. Real care of self is preparatory, enabling us to show up in life more awake. By responding to the limits in our bodies and minds, we become more responsive than reactive and experience greater freedom, knowing that even in the valley, we are accepted and loved.
Toxins are everywhere on our struggling planet, from pollution to water supply to farming practices of pesticides. The good news is, how we eat, breath, play and sleep can help our bodies recover their natural ability to detoxify and heal.
So, self-care is for everyone! And even if your mental health & detox pathways currently function pretty well, greater awareness of your internal patterns will help you navigate your next season of stress.
Belief # 2: I’ve already tried everything, and it didn’t work.
Truth: A closed door in the past can lead you to a better road in the future. If you’ve been in mental health recovery for more than a minute, you know how hard it can be to find a place that meets you where you are and takes every aspect of your person into account. No one walks without stumbling, but all of us can grow.
In this work we seek to balance knowledge, labor and rest, recognizing that, as my Aunt Jo like to say, part of alleviating suffering is learning to live with the thorns. Even so, we can learn to leave darkness like trauma, parasites and harmful thinking behind. And if you feel drawn to this, it could be a sign that you are ready for help and receptive to hope.
Belief #3: I’m so overwhelmed! I can’t afford to invest more money, energy or time on my mental health.
Truth: Feeling overwhelmed is a sign that you need more rest and/or support. When we feel overwhelmed, our bodies are speaking. They are asking us to pay attention to the emotions inside. This attention requires slowing down, giving space for our internal world and receiving rest and kindness.
Holistic mental healthcare is not a substitute for therapy, medicine or other kinds of intervention, and depending on your circumstances, you might need more. But finding comprehensive answers and someone who feels safe for you can take a long time and be incredibly discouraging. I know it was for me. Helpful knowledge combined with loving response? Priceless.
Belief#4 I feel like my partner/family/friends don’t support my mental health.
Truth: Healing happens in the context of trust, but your safety net doesn’t have to come from home.
We are more than our emotions, and compassion is out there even if you don’t sense it where you are. Mental health struggles like my bipolar disorder can make it difficult to for me to trust others, even the people who care about me the most. No matter what you’ve been through, your experience belongs, both dark and light. And when someone understands and accepts you as you are, you can find healing for the deepest wounds.
In our mental health community, we emphasize a non- judgmental group dynamic so that everyone can be involved in asking questions, sharing their stories and learning from one another. This kind of support will not replace relationship with an in-person friend, but can help you center and clear your mental noise for greater focus, joy and peace.
What if…
…there was a way to comprehend the roots of mental health, the body, heart, and mind?
…you could connect and learn with others who will support your growth?
…you could take small, simple baby steps to walk a path of peace?

You’ll find it inside
Your Trail Guide
to Mental Peace
Join today.
Doors are closing soon!

Who Is This For?

Mental Health Seekers
Mental health concerns? You’re in the right place. Join others walking this road with you. Gain new knowledge, perspective and a map for the mind’s pathways to peace.

Mental Health Caregivers
Caring for a loved one? Come drink refreshment. Your road is long, and you’re not alone. Learn to lighten your load and ground yourself when the suffering is more than enough.

Mental Health Providers
Can you link surface symptoms and treat mental wellness at the roots? From gut and brain to toxins and deficiencies, learn alongside warriors who face the wild every day.
It’s for you if…
You want to improve your mental health.
You have a few ideas about what might be helpful, but don’t know where to get started.
You have a feeling there’s more to mental wholeness than just managing your meds, but you’re overwhelmed by loneliness and fatigue.
Maybe you’ve tried multiple treatments and therapies, but you’ve never had someone to comprehend the big picture and walk with you through it all.
You want compassion for your ongoing struggles and simple steps for moving forward.
It’s not for you if…
You’re looking for a magic cure or instant miracle.
You prefer to mine free internet content instead of comprehensive strategies and connecting with your peers.
You’re not interested in the patient work of healing, growth or change.
You don’t want to learn in community and prefer to go it alone.

Hi, I’m Lauren.
I’m a teacher, writer and advocate for mental healing.
After working my way from a Master’s to a classroom of my own, I thought I’d teach there for the rest of my life. Mental illness caused me to take a step back and really understand the root causes that were keeping me sick. Now I’m back with my students and the daughter I love, and I’m eager to share what I’ve learned with you.
Why I created this:
After years of suffering, discovery, error and trial,
I recognized that what I have learned is not just for me.
It’s for everyone who comes to me, carrying this load.
I created a course because I’ve known healing,
and believe it can happen in you.
I also believe that no one should have to
carry mental or chronic illness alone.
I wouldn’t be here right now if not for the
meals, rides, childcare, cleaning, prayers, empathy, knowledge
and love I’ve received from a village of practitioners,
friends and faith family.
Healing is not linear. This is not magic or a fix-it cure.
I take medicine and supplements daily, and maybe I always will.
But simple shifts are powerful, and can be as easy
as going to bed consistently, incorporating probiotic foods
or keeping up with yoga a little every day.
And sometimes when the circumstance or sorrow doesn’t lift,
the space we make to tend it gives us what we needed more.

What’s Inside
Your Trail Guide to Mental Peace

Step 1: ASSESS
-Take our introductory questionnaire, You Are Here, to discern your areas of mental health growth and proximity to resources you might not have realized.
–Bird’s Eye View: a brief overview of your 30 day journey, including the 4-A’s Trailblaze and cardinal C.A.R.E (concept, application, resources & empathy). We’ll discuss your pacing and ownership of the guide, as well as help you process your obstacles and overwhelm. We’re here to support you in the membership the forum when you want to ask and connect.
–Bedrock: We’ll discuss the Glacier Effect, going beyond surface level symptoms and what medication can do. You’ll learn more about managing what goes Into, Onto and Outside the body. You’ll get a map for concepts the course will cover, including boundaries, detox pathways, the gut-brain connection, environmental toxicity, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and the vaccine debate.
Step 2: ACUTE
–Holistic First Aid Kit: Based on your current mental health, what can you do today that will help you feel better tomorrow? Quick tips and tricks include breath prayer, a stress-relieving muscle stretch, art therapy, and an easy custard recipe for adrenal fatigue, plus inspiration for extras you might already have on hand.
–Train Your Inner Woodsman: You’ll learn how to support the body’s essential functions through gut restoration and detoxification support. Topics include where toxins come from, considering the vaccine debate, the gut-brain connection and supplement superfoods, plus my recommendations for the best water filter.
Bonus: As real-life examples, you’ll learn how holistic medicine helped us heal bites, flu, and fever at home, even when we all had COVID-19!
Step 3: AWARE
–Setting Up Camp: What goes into the body? Food and water are important, but how can we target specific need? You’ll learn what simple things to take for organ support, including your kidneys, adrenals, liver/gallbladder and thyroid. I’ll share my recovery journey with intestinal parasites, which, surprise! a lot of people have unawares.We’ll also discover how to manage often-overlooked nutrients like movement, sunlight and our connection to the earth. Bonus: my favorite pantry foods for a quick meal on the go, because not everything can be cooked fresh daily!
–Swim in the Lake: Like mountain water, we want anything that goes onto our bodies to be clean and pure. You’ll hear about the lotion that helped heal my daughter’s eczema and my psoriasis, plus tips for deodorant, makeup, and cleaning & pest proofing your home-furry friends included 🙂 There’s a reason my dog no longer gets chronic ear infections, even after constant rounds of anti-yeast meds failed…
Step 4: ATTEND
–Keep the Path Clear: Now that we know the terrain, how do we keep the trail clean? There’s water to strain, weeds to clear and wildlife to keep at bay. In this section you’ll learn more about listening to your body’s cues, what areas of mental health you in particular need to maintain, and the navigating the obstacles you might continue to face in your journey forward.
–Around the Fire: Who sits with you to stoke the coals? You’ll explore boundaries, childbirth, and parenting, along with cultivating support from family and friends. We’ll also unpack the power of a regular rhythm for play and rest, and how spiritual practices and self care are not selfishness but fuel when we face the embers alone.
–Next Steps & Trail Mix: Need to know where to find answers to your next healing questions? In this section you’ll find resources for trauma, nutrition, pediatrics, spirituality and more. You’ll see what practical tools I keep on hand for maintenance and emergency care, and find coaching and support for your continuing journey.
So How Does This Work?
Here’s what you need to know.
Step 1: Click the “ENROLL NOW” button.
Step 2: Add WHITE PINE WILD to your cart.
Step 3: You’ll see an optional add-on for BREATH & BALM. Then click Proceed to Checkout.
Step 4: Enter your billing information, including a username and password. Save the username and password for later so you can access your account on our website.
Step 5: Proceed to PayPal to make your purchase. (Don’t worry, it will still work even if you don’t have a PayPal account.) After you complete your purchase on PayPal, click Return to Merchant at the bottom of the page.
Step 6: Check your email. Click the link to access your “my account” page with the username and password you created earlier. You’ll be able to download the first week’s reading and start chatting in the members-only discussion forum right away.
Step 7: That’s it! Keep your eyes on your inbox for a later email containing the rest of the course content and live weekly class.
If you need help, just email hello@laurenajennings.com.
Got Questions?
What will I need to make this course a success? Are there any other materials required?
All you need is an open mind and willingness to learn. The time commitment is just 15 minutes a day, plus 1 hour at the end of the week for the coaching call. All the readings and community support are provided. The rest is up to you!
What’s the teaching format for White Pine Wild?
White Pine Wild is a 4-week journey to deeper mental peace. Each week has a different focus from the 4-A Trailblaze, a framework to take you from where you are to a broad overview for mental health, including foundations, examples, training, resources and maintenance for holistic care
The course uses a fun metaphor for mapping a trail and includes short daily readings. Fill out Cardinal C.A.R.E (concept, application, resources and empathy) each day to help you remember.
At the end of each week, we’ll also have a live video coaching call facilitated by Lauren to share our stories, clear confusion and offer peer support. And all students have forever access to reading materials, as well as a private, members-only forum for Q&A.
What makes White Pine Wild different from what I’ve done before?
The combination of holistic knowledge, group teaching and coaching support makes the course unique. It’s rare to find a place that covers all the groundwork for complete mental care while also providing discussion space and safety. And the daily Cardinal C.A.R.E sheets are so simple, you can reference them continually, forming habitual and long-term rhythms of rest.
Is there a support group?
It’s always best to walk the trail with a hiking buddy! White Pine Wild incorporates multiple paths to coaching and community. Each of the 4 weeks ends with a live video call, facilitated by Lauren and free to the group to share stories, clear confusion and offer peer support.
All students also receive forever access the private, members-only forum for Q&A. So even after the 4 weeks are over, you can stay connected as your journey goes on.
What’s the time commitment?
The readings and practice for White Pine Wild average 15 minutes a day. The weekly video calls on our secure platform are optional but strongly encouraged. Calls will last about an hour and be recorded for you for later if you can’t join us live.
White Pine Wild facilitates a stellar environment to connect with your fellow students and retain what you will learn.
It’s perfect for working parents or caregivers to fit into a busy day.
And if you just want first aid for a specific stress or sleep issue, use the search feature to pick any one of the strategies you most need, and use it regularly. As my yoga teacher (who you’ll hear more about!) likes to say, “little hinges swing big doors.” 🙂
The price is a lot for me. What can I do?
We have gift cards and a payment plan available. Healthcare providers can cost a lot, and this is a lot cheaper than months of therapy! The information and support in one accessible, digestible place will save you lots of time and I hope provide much-needed encouragement. But having lived with mental illness for over a decade, I know how crushing a burden it can be.
If you’re drawn to the course and can’t swing it right now, is there a friend or family member who might be willing to sponsor you? I’ve asked for financial help many times in my life, everything from college tuition assistance, to Crowdrise for neurofeedback, to splitting the cost of a writing mentorship with my Grandma and MIL. Think about your village and let’s see what we can do!
What’s your refund policy? Is there a guarantee?
If White Pine Wild truly does not help you heal and grow, simply email us a copy of your completed Cardinal C.A.R.E sheets for Days 1-15, within 15 days of purchase, and we will issue you a full refund. After those 15 days, you’re one of us! Glad to join you on your journey.
If I have questions, can Lauren answer them?
Lauren is available to answer your questions, and so is the group! For tech support and other needs, email hello@laurenajennings.com. For content related questions, post anytime in the membership forum, or ask in our weekly video chats. (If you can, ask your deepest questions with the group class or forum, because chances are someone else needs the answers too!)
If you read this far…
You’re ready to improve your mental health.
You’re ready to stop trying treatments that don’t reach deep enough or support you on the way.
You’re ready to trade burn-out for encouragement and baby steps, sprinkled with rest.
You’re ready for clarity on your best path forward.
You’re ready for mental peace.
You’re ready for White Pine Wild.

Now’s the time to join us.
The 4-week course runs September 29th-October 27th.
Enrollment ends September 27th!

What if you could feel more supported while improving your mental health?