
I’m posting early this week ’cause I’ve got news that can’t wait: next Sunday, October 18th, the Fall 2015 Mastermind and Body Challenge will begin, and I want to to see you there!

At the end of this year’s Spring Challenge, Jen asked us to create a video testimonial about how the program has impacted us. Here is my 3-minute short on how the Mastermind and Body Challenge changed my life:

Jen Hoffman, Certified Personal Trainer-Restorative Exercise Specialist™, eRYT-500, of Healthy Moving teaches this comprehensive course, which has the potential to revolutionize your relationship with your body. The program consists of weekly interactive webinars and daily challenges that give your body “movement nutrients” in the form of brief instructional yoga breaks.

The Mastermind and Body Challenge strengthens, energizes and relaxes your integrated self. You become part of the community of men and women taking on the Challenge, communicating as you choose in the private Facebook group. You can also send Jen a photo or video each week of yourself trying one of the daily challenges and receive her individualized feedback.

By signing up for a Challenge, you get lifelong access to the main content of Healthy Moving, reduced rates on special classes and the ability to participate in any future challenge. In the first year alone, you receive a $1,500 value for less than $400. And that’s just the first year. Once you’re a member, you can access movement breaks anytime, anywhere, for keeps.

The investment was significant for our limited budget, but it was worth every penny. Along with the nutrition and rest that I’ve built into my life over the past year, Healthy Moving has helped me to lose unneeded weight, increase my energy and feel more at peace. Jen makes movement nutrients easy to practice, and I can continue to use them for the rest of my life.

Join me for the Fall 2015 Mastermind and Body Challenge, starting next Sunday, October 18th. Register with my affiliate link (here) to help support my blog, at no extra cost to you. As Jen would say, “prepare to feel amazing!”