New Poem Published: Nightwatch

Image by Joe at Pixabay My new poem, Nightwatch, is live at The Mudroom! “I follow crumbs at Dusk along the damp Earth. Will tomorrow’sMaterialize?I wish I had your wings,Could soar free and See the water, theMoon reflected whole…”Read the rest...

Spiritual Healing: Body Memory

Image by Activeda (TW: trauma, abuse) I had to watch a sexual abuse prevention training for work this week. The videos detailed how victims are selected and groomed by their abusers. Most abuse happens with trusted people that their families already know. I knew...

Am I Safe?

Beautiful questions lead to beautiful answers. (Image by Руслан Сикунов from Pixabay) From a young age, I have felt unsafe. My body remembers what trauma felt like, so it is difficult for me to relax and let down my guard. At the worst of my PTSD, before I was...

A Bend in the Road: Sow Weeping, Reap Joy

You’re trucking along, minding your own business and feeling like you’ve got a handle on life. Then, when you least expect it, mist descends on a bend in the road. Your sense of security evaporates, and you hover on the brink of the unknown. My journey...