How to Make a Seasonal Wardrobe

Here at the end of February, it’s 61 degrees and sunny in Chattanooga today. Winter feels like a memory and I am happy to see the first yellow daffodils spreading my favorite color everywhere. Spring is traditionally a time for new beginnings and for many,...

Healing Foods, Part 2: Bipolar and Beyond

In my last post, I shared with you my desperation to get my life and future back, to truly heal from bipolar disorder and not just try to manage my symptoms. I saw some improvement from a few changes, introducing specific supplements, taking out sugar and gluten....

Healing Foods, Part 1: Bipolar and Beyond

My quest to heal mental illness through nutrition began over two years ago. I had just formally resigned from my dream job as a high school English teacher. I had invested in my Master’s and grown my career slowly from preschool lead to middle/high substitute to...