Am I Safe?

Beautiful questions lead to beautiful answers. (Image by Руслан Сикунов from Pixabay) From a young age, I have felt unsafe. My body remembers what trauma felt like, so it is difficult for me to relax and let down my guard. At the worst of my PTSD, before I was...

A Bend in the Road: Sow Weeping, Reap Joy

You’re trucking along, minding your own business and feeling like you’ve got a handle on life. Then, when you least expect it, mist descends on a bend in the road. Your sense of security evaporates, and you hover on the brink of the unknown. My journey...

Healing Foods, Part 3: Bipolar and Beyond

This is my kitchen. Has that sink ever been clean? Nausea and fatigue have been my constant companions for days and I can’t keep up. The state of the house is driving me crazy. Isn’t the point of GAPS to make me NOT crazy?!!! When I’m not feeling...