Healing Foods, Part 2: Bipolar and Beyond

In my last post, I shared with you my desperation to get my life and future back, to truly heal from bipolar disorder and not just try to manage my symptoms. I saw some improvement from a few changes, introducing specific supplements, taking out sugar and gluten....

Healing Foods, Part 1: Bipolar and Beyond

My quest to heal mental illness through nutrition began over two years ago. I had just formally resigned from my dream job as a high school English teacher. I had invested in my Master’s and grown my career slowly from preschool lead to middle/high substitute to...

Keeping Colds Away: Homemade Bone Broth

I love Fall. The colors, the cool breezes and the sweaters made me shiver with delight. But with the change of seasons come allergies and the threat of the flu. History records Hippocrates as saying that health begins in the gut, and my recovery from depression using...