The Lord is Near

19 degrees Fahrenheit, cold and bright. The winter chill has hushed the world. I can see the dogs’ breath as they bask in the sun outside the window. A mug of tea warms my coaster. In the kitchen, the split peas are soaking for soup. I am still. David is at a...

Celebration Fare: Challah Bread

Once upon a time, a missionary named Judy lived in the Middle East. There, she learned a recipe for a braided, slightly sweet Jewish bread called challah. The eggs make it creamy but light and the striking presentation looks perfect for a celebration. Judy brought the...

The Beginning

I’ve been thinking about starting a blog. It’s a stubborn thought. It vanishes under the surface of my mind for several minutes, hours, maybe, only to reappear, shaking its head and spraying me with droplets. The thought is stubborn. With the thought comes...