Snow Day: Made New

The world is made new in a snowfall. White sky, white earth. Even the light looks different. Fresher. Brighter. We know the snow is coming. The delight. The percentage of chance increases slowly on the radar until we are certain. The anticipation. We pick up extra...

The Lord is Near

19 degrees Fahrenheit, cold and bright. The winter chill has hushed the world. I can see the dogs’ breath as they bask in the sun outside the window. A mug of tea warms my coaster. In the kitchen, the split peas are soaking for soup. I am still. David is at a...

He Takes and He Gives: Community, Part 2

Last week, I wrote about how I got bi-polar sick after tutoring at the local elementary school, and how the Lord used it to refocus my attention on Him. This week, he is quieting my heart again through what He takes and gives.  After a rocky start last Tuesday, my...